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The Game Developer's Room

The intent for the piece was to create a bedroom scene of a game developer overtaken by their work to the point of 
being detrimental to the state of their room. They have a lot of things strewn about, but their tech is in a good state of 
repair. Their work has overtaken them so much that they don’t ever clean up. They never have time to cook, so all they 
have is pizza. The scene was inspired by my own life as a student, spending all of my free time working and always 
being too tired to cook or clean up. This in large part due to living with depression, which makes life much more difficult. I feel it is important to share these stories and start conversation about mental health.


Created using 3DS Max, Mudbox, ZBrush, Substance Painter, and Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.

Tumble Tale logo created by Zack Petropoulakis, Crimson Core logo created by Eric Crosby.

Life as a Game Dev...

Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.
Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.
Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.
Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.

Mr. Magnet-O-Tron

Introducing Mr. Magnet-O-Tron!

This character was created for a school game project called Boom Boom Kachoom. This enemy uses his magnetic powers to pull the player in, or push them away!

Modelled with 3ds Max & Mudbox, textured in Substance Painter & Photoshop, rendered in Toolbag. 
Read more about it here

* Some background assets created by Brandon Chen 

Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.
Mr. Magnet-O-Tron, a robot character model.
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